The Parish on August 21, 2020, held a meeting led by Father Ala. the meeting was attended by several parish members. The meeting started with a prayer from Christina and Faiez, who hosted the meeting, followed by a reading by Deacon Ayed. Father Ala then led a detailed discussion of the Canon Law concerning a Finance Council. The call for the meeting was to establish a formal Parish Finance Council. During the meeting, Father Ala addressed the attendance of the importance of a Finance Council in the Catholic Church and the requirement of such Council per the Canon Law. The new Council will be called AACC Parish Finance Council and referred to as AACC PFC or just PFC. Nomination requirements to this Council will be sent out to the entire Parish to nominate themselves or one they know meeting the requirement of a Council member. Father Ala stresses the importance of nomination and encourages everyone, meeting the requirements, to submit a completed nomination form by August 29, 2020. The Form can be sent to the church office or placed in the offering basket on the August 29th mass.